Friday, September 21, 2012

Rizwan and Joel's Motion Diagram Photo Project

1)  The ball is at rest.                                
3)  The ball is speeding up.  

4)  The ball is at its end and is done rolling.
2) The ball is released and begins to roll.               

1)The motion in this picture is very steep. It is moving at a increasing rate. As you can see it is moving downhill in a faster and faster motion. This is not effected by the direction of the motion by  the speed of it. This is shown in the picture that is attached. The four pictures show the progress that has been made throughtout the roll. It can be used to determine any key factors in the area.

2) We took the picture by changing the camerasetting so it sets a repeating function over and over again. Then we let go of the ball and it rolled down the pipe. We kept taking pictures until we found one that works out.

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