Monday, November 19, 2012

steel ball mystery. - Olivia and Kaleb

The ball on the right has greater velocity because as the ball on the left transfers its velocity to a magnet transfers the velocity to the next ball.  it to another pair of steel balls, in which the second steel ball of the pair shoots off with a greater velocity than the first steel ball, this continues until the very last ball gets velocity transferred to it, causing it to shoot off the greatest velocity out of all the steel balls. The magnet not only help transfer velocity of the steel ball to the next, it actually increases the velocity of the steel ball because one side of the magnet has a magnetic pull on one of the steel balls causing the other side of the magnet to repeal the other ball with more force because is absorbed the velocity of the first ball and expels it on the other side with more velocity causing it to speed towards the next magnet that pulls the steel ball towards it...etc. Until it reaches the last steel ball.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Steel Ball Mystery Project - Jacob Avorio, Christian Bobrowski

The right ball had a greater velocity than the left ball that was initially sent because the bounces made by every collision increased the following impacts. The last marble to be hit took the most damage and had the most momentum. It would happen on a Newton’s cradle because one ball whacks another and stops because they have equal mass (just like a billiard ball).

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Jacob Avorio, Extension #2, Inertia Demo

Mamma said, "Well, objects that are still don't move spontaneously, so they tend to stay at rest. When you flick the coin fast enough, the only coin that is effected is the one hit on the bottom. The slower you flick the coin, the more you disturb the other coins."

Whatever Mamma says goes, bub.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Christian Bobrowski, Extension 6, Questions

Question 1:

How does winning this game require you to apply Newton's 1st and 2nd laws?


In the game vector racing, winning this game applies yopu to apply both of Newton's laws. The first law states that an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon another force, and same goes for if it is at rest. In this game, you have to pinpoint exactly where you want the car to go, just like an endpoint. The car will remain in motion until it reaches that final endpoint in which you set. Newton's second law states that when certain forces are unbalanced, objects will tend to accelerate. In the game, once you have clicked enter and chosen where you want the car to end up, you are unable to stop in the middle and change locations. It will constantly take the car to the spot you intended it to, until it reaches that end point. This is how the game vector racer requires the users to apply both Newton's first and second laws.

Question 2:

How do these principles apply to your own driving - especially in the winter?


These principles also apply to my own driving in certain ways especially during the winter. This is because for instance if it is very icy and the roads are slippery, the car tends to not neccessarily stop at the given time. It makes it much much challenging for the car to come to a stop because it is a sliding road which is not the easiest to maneuver through. Not only that, but it is also harder to navigate the car through the snow, making it somewhat difficult depending where you are driving to accelerate as quickly as you normally would. This is why both of these principles can also apply to my own driving, espeically when it is the winter season.

Taylor Fuderer, Extension 6, Questions

Question 1:

How does winning this game require you to apply Newton's 1st and 2nd laws?


In the game vector racing, winning this game applies yopu to apply both of Newton's laws. The first law states that an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon another force, and same goes for if it is at rest. In this game, you have to pinpoint exactly where you want the car to go, just like an endpoint. The car will remain in motion until it reaches that final endpoint in which you set. Newton's second law states that when certain forces are unbalanced, objects will tend to accelerate. In the game, once you have clicked enter and chosen where you want the car to end up, you are unable to stop in the middle and change locations. It will constantly take the car to the spot you intended it to, until it reaches that end point. This is how the game vector racer requires the users to apply both Newton's first and second laws.

Question 2:

How do these principles apply to your own driving - especially in the winter?


These principles also apply to my own driving in certain ways especially during the winter. This is because for instance if it is very icy and the roads are slippery, the car tends to not neccessarily stop at the given time. It makes it much much challenging for the car to come to a stop because it is a sliding road which is not the easiest to maneuver through. Not only that, but it is also harder to navigate the car through the snow, making it somewhat difficult depending where you are driving to accelerate as quickly as you normally would. This is why both of these principles can also apply to my own driving, espeically when it is the winter season.

Danielle Baker, Period 5 Extension #6 Questions

Question 1:

How does winning this game require you to apply Newton's 1st and 2nd laws?


In the game vector racing, winning this game applies yopu to apply both of Newton's laws. The first law states that an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon another force, and same goes for if it is at rest. In this game, you have to pinpoint exactly where you want the car to go, just like an endpoint. The car will remain in motion until it reaches that final endpoint in which you set. Newton's second law states that when certain forces are unbalanced, objects will tend to accelerate. In the game, once you have clicked enter and chosen where you want the car to end up, you are unable to stop in the middle and change locations. It will constantly take the car to the spot you intended it to, until it reaches that end point. This is how the game vector racer requires the users to apply both Newton's first and second laws.

Question 2:

How do these principles apply to your own driving - especially in the winter?


These principles also apply to my own driving in certain ways especially during the winter. This is because for instance if it is very icy and the roads are slippery, the car tends to not neccessarily stop at the given time. It makes it much much challenging for the car to come to a stop because it is a sliding road which is not the easiest to maneuver through. Not only that, but it is also harder to navigate the car through the snow, making it somewhat difficult depending where you are driving to accelerate as quickly as you normally would. This is why both of these principles can also apply to my own driving, espeically when it is the winter season.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Rizwan and Joel's Projectile Motion Photo

            This photo illustrates projectile motion because it captures the main idea of hang time and the concept of projectiles. It shows a clear tear of water falling in an up and down like most motion. This shows the constant motion of the object. It does not just go up and come straight back down but it’s inhibits the same force pulled and backward as well. It is important because it combines different layers of importance to the same idea. Motion in the 2-D. As the water goes up it also comes down. Now this is common sense, but more importantly it reflects the thought that there is a up and down velocity. This is a picture seen a lot but it shows a bigger picture. Something as simple as water shows us so much.  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

faulty Physics in film

       This cartoon in mostly all of the scenes defies thew laws of physics.  There repeated scenes where Yosemite Sam runs off the diving board and is just suspended in mid air for a good 30 seconds or so before falling into the water below. The reason why this cant be possible is because when an object falls off the edge and free falls down, it instantly starts to fall downward at 10 m/s. To find the real time that Sam actually would have fallen from the top of the diving to the water tub below you take the square root of the distance which in this video is 500 feet, multiply it by two, multiply that by two, then divide that by 10 and you get your answer.

In conclusion, while cartoons are hilarious, they also more than often defy the laws of physics.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Rizwan and Joel's Motion Diagram Photo Project

1)  The ball is at rest.                                
3)  The ball is speeding up.  

4)  The ball is at its end and is done rolling.
2) The ball is released and begins to roll.               

1)The motion in this picture is very steep. It is moving at a increasing rate. As you can see it is moving downhill in a faster and faster motion. This is not effected by the direction of the motion by  the speed of it. This is shown in the picture that is attached. The four pictures show the progress that has been made throughtout the roll. It can be used to determine any key factors in the area.

2) We took the picture by changing the camerasetting so it sets a repeating function over and over again. Then we let go of the ball and it rolled down the pipe. We kept taking pictures until we found one that works out.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Justin and Charlie Lab Write Up

Kara & Megan Lab Write Up

Motion Diagram Photo Project- Justin C. & Andres R

Motion Diagram Project

Standing still at rest
Realesed the ball

Gaining speed
Finished rolling

So in this project we put the ball at a slope to see the motion of the ball. first we took a picture of the ball at rest, at the top. then we let go of the ball. the ball picked up speed as it traveled down the slope. finially the ball finished the roll.

first, we changed the shutter speed
second, we tried to capture the motion of the ball as it rolled down the slope.
third, we uploaded the photos to the blog.

Taylor and Rema

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Jacob Avorio Lab Tutoria

In this poorly recorded/rehearsed video, I will crudely explain how to properly write up and turn in a perfect lab write-up. I apologize now for the narshty camera quality, lack of emotion, (kinda nervous around cameras) and the abrupt ending. BUT. You should know the correct high quality format to writing a grade A journal entry.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Terry Cullen Reflection

This picture shows reflection because instead of bending the light that refraction does it relects it. In reflection the incident angle is the same as the reflected angle and this image clearly shows this.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

mirrors and lenses photo project Cassidy Harman

This photo demonstrates refraction of light. This demonstrates refraction because it
bends the light instead of relecting it. In the photo I placed the light on 50 degrees and the light bent and refracted to 30 degrees. You can check the angle of refraction by doing (n)sin(angle)/n.
Cassidy Harman
This illustrates the law of refraction because the laser light is bent as it goes through the glass. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Color Addition/Subtraction Photo

The three primary colors are red, blue, and green. when these colors are formed together they form the three secondary colors which are cyan, yellow, and magneta. one pair of colors are blue and red. When you put the colors blue and red together, they form the color magenta.

By: Gabriella Patano

Color Addition Subtraction

I used a red filter. I then had a green filter overlap the red one.  This caused the light to appear yellow because red and green light makes yellow light. 

Color Addition/ Subtraction Photo

The three primary colors are red, blue, and green. when these colors are formed together they form the three secondary colors which are cyan, yellow, and magneta. one pair of colors are green and red. When you put the colors green and red together, they form the color yellow.

By: Georgene Acquaah

3D Sink Faucet

I inserted the images into photoshop.  I then made them both black and white.  I then made the left one blue and the right one red.  I then copied the left one onto the right one.  Next I made them RGB.  This caused the images to become 3D.  The images appear further away when looked at through the 3D glasses making it appear 3D.  You need to look through the 3d glassed and squint in order to see the image in 3d. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

3D light bulb- Mara and Stephen

We created this picture by taking two photos of the same object but both in a different position.  The first image was take on the left side and the second picture was taken on the right side.  They were almost identicle pictures which helps make the 3D more realistic.  Next we opened both pictures in Adobe photoshop and set them both to greyscale.  We left the image on the left on greyscale and the image on the right was switched to RGB scale.  Then to the image on the right we set it to have a red channel which allowed only red light to pass through.  We then set the left image on top of the right and set both images to a RGB channel. Finally, we alligned the photos to match eachother and we could tell through the 3D glasses that our photo was now in 3D.  Color filters work by absorbing a certain amount of red, green, or blue light of the color spectrum.  In order to see the image in 3D you need to have 3D glasses or a sheet of see through red platic and blue plastic and place the red one in front of one of your eyes and the blue in front of the other eye. 

3-D Photo

In order to make this 3-d photo we had to take two pictures of the book and open them in adobo photo shop. Then we took the color out of both the pictures and then we only added the color red back into the second picture. Then we copied the first picture and pasted it over the second picture and put the colors red, green, and blue back into it and then we cropped it down to size. The 3-d glasses work because your eyes combine the blue and red and the colors in the pictue and when you look at it it appears to be 3-d.In order to view this 3-d picture you must be wearing 3-d glasses.

By: Georgene A. and Gabriella P.
When I put the blue and green overhead paper under the lights, you can see the evidence of color addition because the cyan light is in the middle of the green and blue.
-Matt S.

Color Addition by Terry and Cassidy

We used 2 white lights shining on a white board, we also used 2 primary light color filters. These filters were blue and red. We  held one filter to each of the lights, by holding these 2 filters up the light we created the secondary light color magenta. This is known as color addition, it is addition because by holding only the red filter to the white light it only shines red, but when you add the blue filter the filter is only letting blue through thus creating the color magenta.

Terry and Cassidy
In our color addition photo we used red and blue overhead paper under lights to make the color magenta. This illustrates the principal of color addition because when these two colors are added under lights it makes a new color! -Morgan

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dancing and sticking salt mystery mara and stephen

The reason that the salt stuck to the tube was because it was charged by the fur
with electrons and the salt had a neutral charge. The tin was also a neutral
charge so therefore the salt would be attracted to the negativly charged tube.
Our evidence that proves this is becasue when we rubbed the tube with the fur
and then held it over the salt and tin, the salt became attracted to the tube
and rose us and then stuck to it. Also in the picture above you can see the salt
rising up to the tube.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dancing and Sticking Salt Mystery

When we charged the insulator by rubbing the rabbit fur on the styrofoam the salt was attracted to the insulator because the salt was either the opposite charge of the insulator or the salt was nuetral. We charged the conductor by rubbing the pie tin on the piece of styrofoam and when we put it near the salt it repelled the salt beucase they are the same charge.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Salt Extension- Terry and Cassidy

The reason the salt sticks to the plastic tube after it has been rubbed with fur, is because the tube is an insulator so the electrons from the salt and move freely through the tube therefore making them able to be attracted to the tube. The pietin is a conductor and the electrons do not move through a conductor so the salt does not transfer electrons it repels the salt making it not stick.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Standing Waves

After I found a good wave I took and picture of it then I calculated the speed which ended up being 17.02 m/s. To find the speed of the wave I multiplied the frequency of the wave which was 18.11Hz and the length of the wave which was .94 meters. In the end after multiplying the two I got to 17.02 m/s.

Standing waves photo Mara Stephen

We determined the speed of the wave on the string by using the speed=frequency times wavelength formula. We got the frequency to be 30.2 Hz and the wavelength to be 113 centimeters. We then converted 113 centimeters to be 1.13 meters. We multiplied 30.2 Hz by 1.13 meters to get 34.13 m/s to be the speed. We alos determined that there were 6 antinodes becasue there were 2.5 waves.

Standing Wave Photo Terry and Cassidy

Terry and Cassidy
We used the frequency generator and were able to make a standing wave and then we got the camera and took a snapshot of the standing wave. We measured the string which was 2.5 meters long. In our picture we had 6.5 waves. We divided 6.5meters by 2.5meters and got the wave length which was .38 meters for each wave. We then got the speed of the wave by multiplying
the frequency of the wave which was 72.9Hz and the wave length which was .38 meters long which gave us our speed of 27.7 m/s

Monday, February 13, 2012

Standing Waves Photo

After playing around with the frequency generator I was able to find some standing waves and then I took a picture of the standing wave with my phone . After taking the picture I was able to find the speed of the wave by multiplying the frequency of the wave which was 18.13Hz and the length of the wave which was .96 meters long. After multiplying the two I found out the speed which was 17.56m/s.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Decibel Levels Around The School

The decibel for the clock was 46.3 decibels.
The decibel for the fire alarm was 49.8 decibels.
The decibel for the light was 53.6 decibels.
The decibel reading for the tv was66.52 decibels.The decibel reading for the tree was 52.2 decibels.
A decibel is the unit used to meassure sound and the electrical signal that come from it. It also meassures loudness. You meassure deciebels by using a decibel meter to meassure the electrical signals and the sound that comes from an object. Each thing has their own decibel so nothing else can have the same number.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Energy Skate Park Challenge-Morgan

After completing the energy skate park challenge I concluded that when we say that energy is conserved we are saying that there is never Kinetic(KE) or Potential Energy(PE) that excell the Total Energy(TME). Just as it shows the bar graph on the side when there is less KE there is more PE to make TME. And if there is less PE there has to be more KE to also make TME. Then KE can also equal PE to make TME. That is what is meant when we say energy is conserved!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Energy Skate Park Challenge

After compleating all the challenges we concluded that when it says conserved energy it means that the object or person isn't using all of it's energy it's just using some of it. For the third challenge we concluded that you can predict the velocity of the skater by using a few equations, but first you have to find out the masses the height then use those numbers and the gravity in an equation. For the second challenge we found out that friction greatly affects conservation of energy, because when there was no friction the skater had no problem going up and then coming back down without using all of it's energy, but when we added friction we had use all of the skaters energy to get up the track.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Energy Skatepark Challenge

I did the first challenge for this extension. Which made me think "What does it mean when we say energy is conserved." Energy that is conserved can be explained multiple ways in this situation. The TME bar on the right side of the bar graph stays the same throughout the time the skater is on the track. On the curve graph, It shows that the KE and PE repeat itself throughout. They never go higher than the TME. Whenever the KE is low and PE is high, TME stays the same. Vice versa with TME being the same. But throughout the skaters ride, the TME never changes which shows that energy is conserved.