Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Phaulty Physics in Philm: Family Guy

In this clip of Family Guy, Peter rides a dragon. Then, due to Peter's weight, the dragon goes down as a free-falling object. The dragon is flying at the height of the mountains in the background. These mountains are aprroximately at the height of the clouds. Clouds above ground level are from 3000-8000 meters above sea level. Lets say the dragon is approximately at 4000 meters high. It would take him approximately 28.57 seconds to fall. (I figured this out using the solving for time formula.) In the video, he falls for only 2-3 seconds. The cartoonist was about 25 seconds off. which means he had a error yield of approximately 88%. This goes to show that Family Guy was way off with the laws of Physics on this one.

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