Thursday, April 25, 2013

3d photo

 To make this 3D picture, I first took two pictures of the ipod. One in the center of the object, then a little to the left for the second one. I then imported both photos in Photoshop on the computer. I then put a red blue filter on the pictures and then put one piicture over the other, which gives it the 3D effect.
 The reason why the 3-D effect works is becasue the glasses have a green and yellow fileter on it so that the colors pop out and the effect work when you look at the picture.
In order for the viewer to see the 3D photo, they have to look at the picture with the 3D glasses.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dancing and Sticking Salt mystery

Why does the salt bounce off the conducter but stick to the insulator?

The salt bounces off the conducter because the conducter is positivley charged like the salt is. the insulator however is not, it is negativley charged instead.

to prove this the process we took to was to first rub the fur to the pipe making the pipe negativley charged. then take it near the salt and observe the following results. which are showed in the picture above.

-Niko Demertzis & Sam Johnson

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sam and Niko's Standing Waves Photo Project

Frequency = 27 HzLength= 2.87 Meters
2 waves

For the Wavelength of a single wave take the length and divde it by the number of waves.
2.87/2 =1.435 Meters per wave.

To find the Speed Multiply the Wavelength by the Frequency
1.435 x 27= 38.74 m/s