Friday, May 25, 2012

Terry Cullen Reflection

This picture shows reflection because instead of bending the light that refraction does it relects it. In reflection the incident angle is the same as the reflected angle and this image clearly shows this.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

mirrors and lenses photo project Cassidy Harman

This photo demonstrates refraction of light. This demonstrates refraction because it
bends the light instead of relecting it. In the photo I placed the light on 50 degrees and the light bent and refracted to 30 degrees. You can check the angle of refraction by doing (n)sin(angle)/n.
Cassidy Harman
This illustrates the law of refraction because the laser light is bent as it goes through the glass. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Color Addition/Subtraction Photo

The three primary colors are red, blue, and green. when these colors are formed together they form the three secondary colors which are cyan, yellow, and magneta. one pair of colors are blue and red. When you put the colors blue and red together, they form the color magenta.

By: Gabriella Patano

Color Addition Subtraction

I used a red filter. I then had a green filter overlap the red one.  This caused the light to appear yellow because red and green light makes yellow light. 

Color Addition/ Subtraction Photo

The three primary colors are red, blue, and green. when these colors are formed together they form the three secondary colors which are cyan, yellow, and magneta. one pair of colors are green and red. When you put the colors green and red together, they form the color yellow.

By: Georgene Acquaah

3D Sink Faucet

I inserted the images into photoshop.  I then made them both black and white.  I then made the left one blue and the right one red.  I then copied the left one onto the right one.  Next I made them RGB.  This caused the images to become 3D.  The images appear further away when looked at through the 3D glasses making it appear 3D.  You need to look through the 3d glassed and squint in order to see the image in 3d.