Friday, April 27, 2012

3D light bulb- Mara and Stephen

We created this picture by taking two photos of the same object but both in a different position.  The first image was take on the left side and the second picture was taken on the right side.  They were almost identicle pictures which helps make the 3D more realistic.  Next we opened both pictures in Adobe photoshop and set them both to greyscale.  We left the image on the left on greyscale and the image on the right was switched to RGB scale.  Then to the image on the right we set it to have a red channel which allowed only red light to pass through.  We then set the left image on top of the right and set both images to a RGB channel. Finally, we alligned the photos to match eachother and we could tell through the 3D glasses that our photo was now in 3D.  Color filters work by absorbing a certain amount of red, green, or blue light of the color spectrum.  In order to see the image in 3D you need to have 3D glasses or a sheet of see through red platic and blue plastic and place the red one in front of one of your eyes and the blue in front of the other eye. 

3-D Photo

In order to make this 3-d photo we had to take two pictures of the book and open them in adobo photo shop. Then we took the color out of both the pictures and then we only added the color red back into the second picture. Then we copied the first picture and pasted it over the second picture and put the colors red, green, and blue back into it and then we cropped it down to size. The 3-d glasses work because your eyes combine the blue and red and the colors in the pictue and when you look at it it appears to be 3-d.In order to view this 3-d picture you must be wearing 3-d glasses.

By: Georgene A. and Gabriella P.
When I put the blue and green overhead paper under the lights, you can see the evidence of color addition because the cyan light is in the middle of the green and blue.
-Matt S.

Color Addition by Terry and Cassidy

We used 2 white lights shining on a white board, we also used 2 primary light color filters. These filters were blue and red. We  held one filter to each of the lights, by holding these 2 filters up the light we created the secondary light color magenta. This is known as color addition, it is addition because by holding only the red filter to the white light it only shines red, but when you add the blue filter the filter is only letting blue through thus creating the color magenta.

Terry and Cassidy
In our color addition photo we used red and blue overhead paper under lights to make the color magenta. This illustrates the principal of color addition because when these two colors are added under lights it makes a new color! -Morgan