Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dancing and sticking salt mystery mara and stephen

The reason that the salt stuck to the tube was because it was charged by the fur
with electrons and the salt had a neutral charge. The tin was also a neutral
charge so therefore the salt would be attracted to the negativly charged tube.
Our evidence that proves this is becasue when we rubbed the tube with the fur
and then held it over the salt and tin, the salt became attracted to the tube
and rose us and then stuck to it. Also in the picture above you can see the salt
rising up to the tube.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dancing and Sticking Salt Mystery

When we charged the insulator by rubbing the rabbit fur on the styrofoam the salt was attracted to the insulator because the salt was either the opposite charge of the insulator or the salt was nuetral. We charged the conductor by rubbing the pie tin on the piece of styrofoam and when we put it near the salt it repelled the salt beucase they are the same charge.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Salt Extension- Terry and Cassidy

The reason the salt sticks to the plastic tube after it has been rubbed with fur, is because the tube is an insulator so the electrons from the salt and move freely through the tube therefore making them able to be attracted to the tube. The pietin is a conductor and the electrons do not move through a conductor so the salt does not transfer electrons it repels the salt making it not stick.