Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Phaulty Physics In Philm Project

We chose a clip from the movie The Matrix where Neo dodges the bullets being shot at him. That is impossible, because bullets approximatley travel 700-1200 mph. It would be impossible for any human being to dodge something especially when i's moving that fast. If someone were able to do it would take superhuman speed to dodge bullets like superman. Our brain reaction time is slower than the speed of a bullet so it would be impossible to execute anything close to that.
Time of impossible action:55 seconds

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Inertia Demo @ Home

I put out a tablecloth and put dishes on top of it. I then grabbed the tablecoth and pulled it down and off the table. This left the dishes in place on the table. the dishes have a lot of mass so they stay in place, which is inertia.


When Adam placed plates on a thin table cloth and pulled quickly, the plates stayed in place and did not move. The table cloth moved because it was in motion. The plates stayed at rest because they started in a rest state.


It was pretty good about describing inertia and what it did in terms of the tablecoth and plates.