Thursday, September 15, 2011

Becoming a Member of the Blog

Your first task as a member of the blog (and the class) is to accept the invitation to be an author. Mr. Rylander, another Physics Studies teacher, has put together a wonderful video that steps students through the task of accepting the invitation and logging in for the first time. The video is shown below.

Once you have completed this first task, you will be ready to create your first blog post.

Creating a New Post

Once you have logged in for the first time and accepted your invitation to be a contributing member (i.e., author) of this blog, your next task is to create your first blog post. For any extension project that involves posting a video, photo, or reflection to the blog, you will need to create and publish a "post." A post is simply a short article that appears on our class blog.

Once more, Mr. Rylander (a Physics Studies teacher) has put together a very useful instructional video on how to create your first post. The video is shown below.

Once you have created and published your post, it should be visible on the blog.